
June 30 House Party Location

Pool Party 7 - 9pm @ 2914 Rimview Dr.

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June 23 House Party Location

join us @ 1835 Chelsea Ln. 7pm for a ton of fun & Smores!

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June 16 House Party Location
7:00 - 9:00 PM
3683 Fort Laramie Dr.

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Summer CRUX House Parties

Wednesday, June 9th
time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
loc: 4870 BlueSpruce Cir.
* BBQ, volleyball, smores & tons of fun!

Wednesday, June 16th
time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
location: 3683 Fort Laramie Dr.
* Rootbeer Floats

Wednesday, June 23rd
time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
loc: 1835 Chelsea Ln.
* Ultimate Frisbee

Wednesday, June 30th
time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
loc: 2914 Rimview Dr.
* Pool Party

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... Summer Calendar
CRUX-Study Break!

Need a little break from all that studying for finals? come to the CRUX study break on Wednesday June 2 from 7-9pm. Grab a coffee from The WELL ... play a little X-box or Wii ... burn some energy at Ultimate Frisbee on the east lawn or Hoopin' it up in the gym.
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WWYD? for someone in need
Something has gone horribly wrong as needs around us go unmet, not because they are unseen but simply because nobody was willing to do something. Tonight at CRUX we are tackling the question, What Would You Do... for someone in need. How do we live as people of COMPASSION and concern for the needs of others. In Matthew as Jesus is healing those with sickness and disease and is heartbroken by all the lost and hurting people, he turns to the disciples and says "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." The needs around us will not go away unless YOU and I do something!

recently this happened in New York City... What Would You Do?

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Text Alerts

  • This Week @ CRUX v.8.18.10

    Bigger or Better
    meet @ Faith E
    * 7pm *

    Upcoming Events

    Big Splash 8.4

    Scavenger Hunt 8.11

    Bigger or Better 8.18

    Fall Kick-Off 9.1


    Cell Groups


    Worship Band

    Sound & Tech

    Art & Drama

    (Student Leadership Team)

    Speaking & Teaching


    As we work with students we understand the significance of each family they are a part of. We value the role that parents play and seek to be an assist and encouragement to families being healthy. Thus we have created a website designed specifically with parents of adolescents in mind. Check it out and keep connected to our ministry specifically with you in mind! Click Here

    Does God Exist

    click here to download the latest outline used in Sunday morning B.i.L class

    week 1

    week 2

    week 3

    week 4

    week 5

    2009-2010 Previous Events

    Planet Wisdom Student Conference
    Feb 19 - 20, 2010
    Satellite Video Conference
    w/Mark Matlock & the Skit Guys and
    live worship by Joseph Barkley (Plumbline)

    Download Registration Form

    Winter Retreat
    March 5-7 @ BMCR
    Join us for an awesome weekend in the mountains. Relax and have fun as we worship our Creator and learn of the great love REVERSE from our friend Travis Shannon.

    30 Hour Famine
    April 16 -17

    Join us in saving a life as we partner with thousands of others around the country in the World Vision 30HourFamine. Activities planned at the church from 5pm on Friday to 3pm on Saturday (including staying overnight!) For more info visit our famine website

    July 12 - 17
    Spend a week in the mountains with us a we learn about the great I AM and how He relates to all of us and transforms our lives!!!
  • May Schedule

    Wednesday Night
    5.5 CRUX @7pm
    Night of Service

    5.12 Cell Groups @ 7pm
    CRUX @ 8pm

    5.19 Cell Groups @ 7pm
    CRUX @ 8pm

    5.26 Cell Groups @ 7pm
    CRUX @ 8pm

    5.2 B.i.L @ 9:45am

    5.9 B.i.L @ 9:45am

    5.16 B.i.L @ 9:45am
    IMPACT @ 12:30pm

    5.23 Senior Weekend
    Brunch w/Seniors!

    5.30 NO B.i.L
    Memorial Weekend

    verse of the day

    Blog Archive

    Contact Us

    Faith E Church
    3145 Sweetwater Drive
    (32nd & Central Ave.)
    Billigs, MT 59102

    Meet The Team
    Paul Hansen
    Student Ministries Pastor

    Lisa Brownell
    Administrative Assistant

    JD Lanz
    Worship Intern

    Christa Small (Jensen)
    Mentoring Intern

    Volunteers Leaders
    Laura Bradshaw
    Joy Holman
    Chad Jackson
    Kerri Kanning
    Ben Nienaber
    Sarra Nienaber
    Amber Reinhardt
    Ashley Schramm
    Sean Thom
    Jenny Toews
    Steve Walton
    Jeff Yeley
    Kristen Yeley
    Kyle Zigweid
    Natalie Zigweid